Is a basic cable used basically for carrying audio-visual signals. The name comes from the abbreviation of "Radio Frequencies". It is a type of coaxial cable, which involves a series of casings to protect the signal from interference. The coaxial design used in an RF cable is designed to prevent potential interference. The coaxial cable is typically used to transmit TV channels from an Antenna or a cable company.
Some of the benefits of this type of cable is that , there's no signal loss, these cables have an aluminum shield to help those cables serve longer than the copper cables , they help us get a better connection quality for the input components , and finally they are designed for different use in terms of length and other specifications .
To identify it , a coaxial cable has connectors towards the end, the RF Cable Connector comes with a single pin used to plug it into the TV device's RF input, and RF has a round metal connector used to secure the RF cable on the input part .